Saturday, 30 March 2019

DOWNLOAD GameMaker 8.1.141 Standard (Portable, by PHL).

GameMaker 8.1.141 Standard (Portable, by PHL).

It is portable (you do not need to install it).
To start it, choose “Game_Maker.exe” .
If that does not work, there are three other ways to start it:
1) Use “START GameMaker 8.1.141.exe”
2) First open "GameMaker.exe" (the updater) if it is not open. It appears as a blue dot in the taskbar. And then open "Game_Maker.exe" (game creation program)
3) Use “Game Maker 8.1.141.bat”.
- START GameMaker 8.1.141.exe (and START GameMaker 8.1.141.png).
- Extension Maker and Library Maker for Game Maker 7 and later.
- Game Maker Tutorials.
- Windows XP Sound Recorder : sndrec32.exe . It can reduce the size of a WAV file to that of an MP3 file without changing the WAV into MP3. This is important because GameMaker 8.1 has the most features (such as sound effects and playing multiple sounds) when using WAV files. But WAV files are usually large. And MP3 files are limited (only one sound plays at a time) when used in GameMaker8.1.  So you need the benefits of WAV files in GameMaker while also enjoying the benefits of MP3’s small filesize. Solution: make an MPEG Layer-3 WAV file.
To make MPEG Layer-3 WAV files, load the WAV file into Windows XP Sound recorder (you can drag the file to it). Go to “File”, and choose “Properties”. Choose “Convert Now”. Go to “Format” and choose “MPEG Layer-3” (it may appear near bottom of list. If “MPEG Layer-3” does not appear, you may need to install an MP3 codec in your Windows computer).  Choose your attributes (smaller values cause smaller filesizes), and choose OK. Now you can see that the information says “Audio Format: MPEG Layer-3” along with your attributes. Choose OK. Go to “File” and choose “Save As” and  save the WAV file, which can be taken into GameMaker 8.1 as a “Normal Sound”.  (MP3 files could not be accepted as “Normal Sounds”.)

DOWNLOAD GameMaker 8.1.141 Standard (Portable, by PHL):


Friday, 22 March 2019

A Funny License Agreement (Junior Icon Editor).

A Funny License Agreement (Junior Icon Editor).

This thing is so funny that it belongs in a book of jokes.
It is from the makers of a program called Junior Icon Editor.
“Please read it carefully.”

Here it is:

If you do not agree, you are not allowed to install.


Since this is about a program for making icons for files, I will mention Greenfish Icon Editor Pro 32-bit, which I use most often.

What is a program for making icons for files?

It makes icons (pictures) for a file. The icons can be of different sizes, for example: 24x24 pixels, 32x32 pixels, and or 64x64 pixels.

If you are a software maker, for example if you make video games, you can make the icon for your app or executable by using a program for making icons for files.

Extension Maker and Library Maker for Game Maker 7 and later.

Extension Maker and Library Maker for Game Maker 7 and later.


Extension Maker

Version 1.2
Written by Mark Overmars


Game Maker has a large number of features but there is always a need for more. Since version 7.0 it is possible to add extension packages to Game Maker. Extension packages extend the functionality of the GML language by adding additional action libraries, functions and/or constants. They can be created relatively easy by people that have a bit of programming experience.

Library Maker

Version 1.3
Written by Mark Overmars


The collections of actions that you find in the object properties form and that can be used in events are stored in libraries. There are a number of default libraries but you can also create your own libraries. Such libraries can then be turned into extension packages using the Extension Maker. The Extension Maker generated package files which can then be installed and used in Game Maker. For details see the help file of the Extension Maker.

Download Extension Maker and Library Maker for Game Maker 7 and later.